Plumbing Services Patra Achaias - KOKAS CHRISTOS - Plumbing Installations - Water Supply - Sewerage - Underfloor Heating - Plumbing Services - Patra Achaias

Plumbing Services Patra Achaias - KOKAS CHRISTOS - Plumbing Installations - Water Supply - Sewerage - Underfloor Heating - Plumbing Services - Patra Achaias

17750 Visitors:
Address: Giannitson 38 Patra
Area: Achaia
Telephone: 6981883113
Mobile: -
P.C.: 26223
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Our company KOKAS CHRISTOS based in Patras in Achaia has been by your side for years and together with the knowledge and experience from the years in the industry offers hydraulic services Together with our well-trained staff we offer our services directly and responsibly and in cooperation with our specialized tools we try to satisfy your every wish. We undertake all projects regardless of size and difficulty in order to satisfy even the most demanding customers...
17750 Visitors:

Giannitson 38 Patra, Achaia

17750 Visitors:

Our company KOKAS CHRISTOS based in Patras in Achaia has been by your side for years and together with the knowledge and experience from the years in the industry offers hydraulic services

Together with our well-trained staff we offer our services directly and responsibly and in cooperation with our specialized tools we try to satisfy your every wish.

We undertake all projects regardless of size and difficulty in order to satisfy even the most demanding customers


Hydraulic installations
Water supply
Floor heating
Plumbing Services
17750 Visitors:

Giannitson 38 Patra

Telephone: 6981883113

Working Hours
